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Showing posts from April, 2024

Gambyong Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Java

Gambyong Dance is a traditional Javanese dance, especially in Central Java. Gambyong dance is the result of a blend of folk dance and palace dance. The origin of the word Gambyong was originally a name of a waranggana or a chosen woman (female entertainer) who is clever and expert in bringing a beautiful dance and lively. The full name of this waranggana is Mas Ajeng Gambyong. The beginning of this gambyong dance is only as part of dance tayub or often called taledhek dance. The term of taledhek is also used as the title of a taledhek dancer, tayub dancer, and gambyong dancer. Gambyong Dance can also be interpreted as a single dance, which can only be performed by women or dancers who are shown as the beginning of a dance performance or can be called a dance party. Gambyongan itself has a meaning golekan or doll made of wood and describes a woman who was dancing in a show a wayang kulit at the closing. As the times progressed, Gambyong Dance also experienced a change and development, e

Laweut Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Laweut dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Aceh Province. In the beginning, this dance culture originated from Pidie district in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. With the development of the times, this dance culture spread throughout the province of Aceh. This Laweut dance is often referred to as Seudati Inong Dance, because in terms of the number of dancers, their movements, processes, dance patterns, and techniques of this dance are very similar to Seudati Dance. Both dances are equally danced by 8 female dancers and 1 syahi (singer) music who at the same time leads other dance movements. What distinguishes the two dances is the uniqueness of Seudati Dance using a chest clap, while the Laweut Dance using a thigh and not a chest. Laweut said itself comes from the Arabic word Salawat is a praise addressed to the lord of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Poems that accompany this dance is more pious over the prophet. Before the term laweut was used, the first dance is call

Udeng, Balinese Male Headband

As with other areas in Indonesia, Balinese also have traditional clothing. One of them is udeng, the headband worn by Balinese men. Shrimp is commonly used by people from all walks of life. Whether it's royalty or ordinary people, from children to elders, the whole Balinese people wear this headband. Shrimp are usually made of cloth with a length of approximately half a meter. Making this udeng requires its own expertise, hence generally only produced in certain areas only. The craftsmen udeng and also other fabrics made from cloth are produced in the area of Karangasem. One of the most famous villages for fabric crafts is Sidemen Village. In this Sidemen Village, can be found udeng in a variety of motives, ranging from plain, metallic ornaments, batik style, and other more modern patterns. The shrimps have a bilateral asymmetrical shape with the right side higher than the left side. This asymmetrical form has a philosophical meaning everyone should strive to do righteousness. Bali

Cilinaya Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Cilinaya dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Bali. This dance was created by I Wayan Dibia, one of the traditional dance maestros of Bali in 1986. This cilinaya dance was originally created for staged by Sekaa Gong Patra Kencana Singapadu, in Gianyar. The idea of the birth of this dance is inspired by chili ornaments. Chile is one of the typical ornaments in the clothing of the dancers of Cilinaya Dance. Chile is a long piece of cloth that is pointed at the tip of the tip with a colorful motif. Chile, which is part of the clothing of dancers, represents a joy and joy through the main message of this dance. In the dance of cilinaya show a group of beautiful girls who swoop down gracefully. This dance illustrates the joy of young girls. In contrast to many other dances that further highlight the sharp eye delicacy, this dance is delivered in a joyous and full of smiles. This dance also highlighted the elegance of movement from the dancers.

Gamelan Bali, Traditional Musical Instruments From Bali

Balinese gamelan is a kind of traditional gamelan instruments originating from Bali. Balinese gamelan has some differences with other gamelan instruments, both in terms of shape and how to play it. This Balinese Gamelan instrument is usually displayed as a companion to an art performance in Bali, whether it is sacred or entertainment. The Origin of Balinese Gamelan According to historical sources, this Balinese gamelan has existed since ancient times. It can be seen from the inscription Bebetin in Bali Province, which mentions that the gamelan has existed since the year 896 AD, namely during the reign of King Ugrasena in Bali. But on the inscription is said at that time the Balinese Gamelan is slightly simpler than the present. Starting from the VIII century at the time of the relationship between the kingdoms in Java and Bali, bringing some of the arts such as Javanese gamelan musical instruments into Bali although still a separate instrument. This makes the Gamelan Bali at first glan

Rindik, Traditional Musical Instruments From Bali

Rindik is a traditional Balinese musical instrument. This instrument is made of bamboo pieces. Bamboo is used to make Rindik is usually the bamboo option, so it is not easy to break and will produce a good sound. This traditional musical instrument is played by being beaten by using the percussion instrument alternately so it will produce a melodious sound. Function of the Musical Instrument Rindik In Bali itself, Rindik musical instrument is a traditional musical instrument is quite famous. This instrument is usually displayed as one of the musical instruments accompaniment in a dance performances bumbung. In addition, Rindik is often featured in accompanying the wedding ceremony or reception. The strains of her distinctive voice are perfect for making the atmosphere even more romantic. Form of Musical Instruments Rindik Rindik musical instrument is a musical instrument made of bamboo that has been cut into pieces and arranged in accordance with its size. The number of pieces of bambo

Butterfly Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Butterfly dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Bali. According to the Balinese dance historical record, this butterfly dance was created by I Wayan Beratha in 1960. I Wayan Beratha is a Balinese Dance artist born in 1926, in Banjar Belaluan Denpasar. He currently resides in Banjar Abian Kapas Kaja. I Wayan Beratha is living and big in the family environment of Balinese artists. His grandfather, I Ketut Keneng (1841-1926) was also a great Balinese artist of his time. His grandfather was a gamelan musician and also pagambuhan. Because of the greatness of his name and his work, most of his life was dedicated to the family of Puri Denpasar, as a favorite artist from King I Gusti Agung Ngurah Denpasar until the Puputan Badung War erupted in 1906. So deserve the great artist's blood then flowed in I Wayan Beratha and created a work - great for the people of the island of Bali and Indonesia. Butterfly dance is a kind of female group dance that is played by 5 women or mo

Manuk Rawa Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Manuk Rawa dance is a traditional dance originating from Bali. This dance was first created in 1981 by a choreographer named I Wayan Dibia, and a composer named I Wayan Beratha. Before becoming a freelance dance, this Manukrawa dance was part of the Mahabharata Bale Gala-Gala ballet by a team from the Ramayana or Mahabharata Bali Ballet displayed in the Bali Arts Festival in 1980. From Manukrawa dance history this movement is taken from the classical Balinese dance which is then combined with dance movements derived from Java and Sundanese, which has been modified in accordance with the demands of beauty. Composition of Rawa Manuk Dance In dancing this dance, usually, will be sung by a group (between 5 - 7 people) female dancers. This dance is a new creations dance depicting the behavior of a group of birds (swamps) of water as described in the Wana Parwa story of the Mahabharata Epic. Philosophy of Rawa Manuk Dance As with the Cendrwasih dance and also Belibis Dance from Bali. This Ma

Kecak Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Who does not know the typical Kecak dance of Bali? How many years ago this Kecak dance ever danced about 5000 people and set a world record. So who created and for what created the dance. Kecak Dance is generally called Cak dan Api (Fire Dance). This dance is a dance of mass performances or entertainment and tends to be a dance, which is the art of drama and dance, as it all describes the role of the puppet play, such as Rama Sita and not specifically used in Hindu religious rituals such as odalan, worship, and other ceremonies. Kecak dance was created by someone named Wayan Limbak and Walter Spies, a German painter in about 1930. Actually, this Kecak dance comes from a sanghyang ritual, a dance tradition that the dancers will be in unconscious condition, communicating with God or the spirit of the ancestors and then conveyed his hopes to the people. It's not hard to take away from the definition or why it's called Kecak dance. When the male dancers dance the dance, it will sou

Belibis Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

The appearance of this Belibis Dance In contrast to other dances in Bali, such as cendrawasih dance, Kecak dance, mask dance, manukrawa dance. In the grouse dance, there are 2 people involved, and these 2 people are different in composition. In the first composition of the choreographer, which was created by Swasthi Wijaya Bandem, while for the second composition of the composer, created by I Nyoman Windha. Belly dance performed by the dancers as many as 7 people. These grouse dancers are mostly danced by women. This philosophy of Belibis Dance has several versions including: Describes the life of a group of grouse birds who are enjoying the beauty of nature. Suddenly they were startled by the emergence of another grouse which is the incarnation of a King Angling Dharma after being exposed to the curse of his powerful wife (in the Tantric story). In the wandering, Angling Dharma meets a giant man-eating princess. This giant feels very worried about the secret is known by Angling Dh

Baris Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Baris Dance is one of the traditional dance that comes from Bali. This dance is estimated to have existed since the mid-16th century. This assumption is based on information contained in the Sundanese Kidung, estimated to date from 1550 AD. In the text, there is a description of the existence of 7 types of baris dance that are performed in the cremation ceremony in East Java. In addition, there is also a description that at the beginning of the emergence of this baris dance is part of religious rituals at the time. The type of baris dance associated with religious rituals is also called the ceremonial baris dance or the big baris dance. The dancers in this dance are usually performed between 8 and 40 people in groups, with various complementary items such as various traditional weapons, depending on the origin of the area of each dance. The baris dance row is allegedly drawn from the night row, the storyline that began in about 1849 when it was initiated by Cokorda Gde Ngurah Saren who

Bumbung Dance, Erotic Dance From Bali

On the Island of Bali who does not know the bumbung dance? Bumbung dance is a phenomenal dance and very well known by the people of Bali. This dance comes from the Village Kalopaksa, District Seririt, Buleleng District. Bumbung dance is quite phenomenal due to experience a shift in the meaning of dance contained in it. From a simple dance then became an erotic dance and even got a nickname of porn dance. History of the beginning of the creation of this dance statue began dance performances by a group of farmers in the village Lokapaksa. Accompanied by a set of gamelan instruments made of bamboo or called "ting klik", they fill the spare time in the midst of exhaustion in the cultivation of rice fields by displaying a simple dance. Although working with a simple, in fact dance this bumbung able to entertain the farmers at that time. Moving from Lokapaksa Village, this art then expanded to several other villages in Buleleng District as well as in other districts in Bali to form

Pandanus War, Bloody Tradition in Bali

Bali has a tremendous cultural treasure, one of Bali's unique indigenous culture of pandanus war tradition. The tradition of pandanus war is held every year in the village of Tenganan, Karangasem. This tradition is called Mekare-kare. In that tradition, the youth will wear Balinese traditional clothes and bare-chested. This tradition begins with a tour of the village to ask for protection and safety in living this tradition. The main tool in the tradition of war pandan is shield or shield. They are usually made of rattan or bamboo and pandan leaves. The tradition of war is done by a pair of youth. This paired youth will be the opponent and will compete with how to whip the pandan leaves on the body of his opponent. The young men who treated traditional herbs In this game, there is someone as the referee in leading the game. The match will end if one of the participants wins, surrenders or the referee considers the match is enough. Pandanus leaves used in the match is a leaf that is

Dance Bines, Traditional Dances From Aceh

Dance Bines is one of the dance art in Gayo Lues that is danced only by a group of women or girls. No one can interpret the word Bines itself. Bines itself is called dance because it has a rhythmic motion that follows the expression of the souls of the dancers. Based on the choreography, Dance Bines include group dance, because dance bines can not be displayed individually. Generally, dance bines are needed by dancers in even counts such as 10, 12, 14, 16, and so on. Based on the pattern, dance bines belong to the traditional dance art, the dance whose presence has existed since tens of years ago. Bines has undergone a long development. Bines dance is dominated by girls by way of self-learning from the generation on it since they were small, that is when they have begun to be able to mimic the movement. There is no special studio in this dance. There is also no law that requires them to master the bells. Just instinctively, as girls, they feel like learning Bines. At a certain age, the

Dance Tarek Pukat, Traditional Dances From Aceh

This traditional dance is a typical dance from the province of Aceh which tells the activities of the fishermen when fishing in the sea. The name of this dance is Tarek Pukat Dance. Tarek Pukat dance is one of the traditional dances originated from Aceh. This dance is usually performed by a group of female dancers who dance by using a rope as a dance tool. Dance Tarek Pukat is a dance that describes the activities of the fishermen in Aceh when fishing in the sea.Tarian this is generally often displayed at events such as welcoming ceremonies, cultural events, and traditional events. History of Tarek Dance Pukat Historically, Tarek Pukat Dance is inspired by the tradition of gazing or trawl nets that are often done by the people of Aceh, especially coastal communities that most of the population eyed search as fishermen. It is said that these activities have been done by coastal communities of Aceh since a long time. At the time of catching fish, they took off and pulled the net together

Saman Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh Indonesia

Saman Dance is a dance of Gayo tribe (Gayo Lues) commonly shown in celebrating important events in adat. Poetry in this saman dance uses Arabic and Gayo language. Besides this dance is also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. From some literature mentioned that Saman dance in Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman, a scholar from Gayo in Southeast Aceh. This Saman Dance was designated UNESCO as the List of Cultural Representative No Human Heritage in the Sixth Session Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of cultural heritage is not a UNESCO object in the province of Bali on November 24, 2011. Saman dance is one of the media for the achievement of the message (da'wah). This dance reflects education, courtesy, religion, heroism, cohesiveness, and togetherness. Before this saman dance begins ie as a mukaddimah or opening, the appearance of a clever old or adat leader to represent the local community or useful advice to the cast and audience. Son

Caru Tawur Kesanga, The Ritual of Purifying Yourself

Caru Tawur Kesanga is a ritual that must be performed by Hindu people before performing worship Nyepi or Brata Penyepian. Ritual Caru Tawur Kesanga is presented by Hindus to Bhuta Kala (evil in human nature). This ritual belongs to the Blind Yadnya or a ceremony deliberately addressed to the blind or kala, ie the impulse or negative desire that emerges from within the human self. In Tawur Kesanga, youth and other Hindus will make Ogoh-ogoh, which is a representation of the giant Bhuta Kala which is then paraded and then burned in their respective temples. Ogoh-Ogoh Burning Procession There are 6 negative impulses that exist in man, namely Kroda (anger), Mada (drunkenness), Kama (lust), Lobha (greedy and greedy), Matsarya (Greedy, revenge, jealousy), and Moha (confusion). Bhuta Kala is then made in the form of sculpture and called by Ogoh-ogoh. After Caru Tawur Kesanga, the next day Hindus perform Brata Penyepian, ie do not do things that are worldly such as traveling, turn on electrici

Ceng Ceng, Traditional Musical Instruments From Bali

Ceng Ceng is a traditional musical instrument from Bali. This instrument is made of jackfruit wood and copper. The Ceng Ceng is played in a copper-topped way to the bottom of the round copper section, which will create a "ceng ceng" sound. The Function of The Instrument is Ceng Ceng In Bali itself, Ceng Ceng music instrument is a traditional instrument that is quite famous. This instrument is the most important element in a set of Balinese gamelan. Besides Ceng Ceng musical instruments are also often used along with gong gede, semar pegulingan, barungan gamelan kebyar gong, pelegongan, barongan, and so forth. The Shape of Musical Instruments Ceng Ceng Ceng Ceng musical instruments are generally made of jackfruit and copper wood. This instrument consists of 6 pieces of the metal round on the bottom and 2 (two) round metal on the top. At the top of the bronze Ceng Ceng, there is a rope that serves to hold Ceng Ceng. These ropes are generally red and made in such a way. This rop

Top Honeymoon Destinations in Europe: Romantic Resorts, Cities, and Unique Experiences

Europe offers a plethora of enchanting destinations that are perfect for newlyweds looking to celebrate their love and begin their lives together in a romantic setting. From picturesque villages to bustling cities, there is something for every couple seeking a dreamy honeymoon in Europe. In this article, we will explore the best honeymoon destinations in Europe that cater to different preferences and interests. Romantic Destinations in Europe Santorini, Greece, is renowned for its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings, and crystal-clear waters, making it a top choice for honeymooners seeking a romantic escape. Another popular destination is Venice, Italy, with its charming canals, gondola rides, and historic architecture providing the perfect backdrop for a fairytale honeymoon. For couples seeking a mix of culture and relaxation, Paris, France, offers iconic landmarks, world-class cuisine, and elegant boulevards that exude romance at every corner. Luxurious Honeymoon Resorts

Sanghyang Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

The majority of Bali's population is Hindu. Balinese people strongly believe in the existence of evil spirits and also spirits and nature that has a magical power. To neutralize and also balance this situation, the Balinese perform a ceremony that is accompanied by religious dances, one of which is Sanghyang Dance. Sanghyang dance is usually danced in sacred ceremonies and aims to complement the ceremony used in expelling disease outbreaks in certain areas. This Sanghyang dance cannot be enjoyed at any time and also not in any place. This dance is different from the dance that has been modified into a public performance such as dance lines, dance barong kecak, legong dance, and other dances. This Sanghyang Dance consists of several types, among them are Sanghyang Dewa, Sanghyang Dangklik, Sanghyang Deling, Sanghyang Celeng, Sanghyang Dedari, Sanghyang Penyalin, Sanghyang Bumbung, Sanghyang Medi, Sanghyang Sengkrong, Sanghyang Kidang, Sanghyang Janger, and Sanghyang Jaran. Sanghyang

Pendet Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Pendet Dance is a welcome dance or Balinese welcome dance and is a very famous traditional Balinese dance. This dance is performed at a ceremony such as welcoming big guests or other cultural events. Pendet dance is usually played by a female dancer with a bowl containing all kinds of flowers that became his trademark. History of Pendet Dance Pendet Dance was originally a traditional dance part of the piodalan ceremony in Pura or other holy places which as an expression of gratitude and respect from the people of Bali in order to welcome the presence of the gods who descend from khayangan. This dance has become an integral part of the spiritual life of the community there. Starting from there, one of the artists from Bali that I Wayan Rindi inspired and wanted to change the dance into a welcome dance. Assisted by Ni Ketut Reneng, the two also created Pendet Dance as a welcome dance with four dancers. This dance was later developed and refined by I Wayang Baratha by adding the number of

Bali Cultural Park (Art Center), Bali Arts Center

The island of Bali is not only endowed with stunning natural beauty, but also a wealth of art and culture that is very abundant. The wealth of art and culture is represented by the Bali Cultural Park as a container for accommodating the creativity of Balinese artists. The development of the Balinese Cultural Park stems from the idea of building a Balinese arts center project initiated by Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Matra when he served as Director General of Culture, at the Ministry of Culture and National Education in 1969. Occupying a land area of about 5 hectares, Taman Budaya Bali was originally named "Werdhi Budaya" which can be interpreted as an art center or art center. The development of this cultural park is well planned and also serious. The buildings are neatly arranged. This Balinese Cultural Park development adapts the philosophical meaning of rotation of Mount Mandara Giri, which is implemented in the name of the buildings in this complex. The main building in the compl

3 Most Unique Villages In Bali Indonesia

Bali is very famous for its natural beauty and also its culture. But apparently, there is a unique in this island, as in the Village Tenganan, Trunyan Village, and Village Penglipuran. What are the villages like? 1. Tenganan Village Tenganan Village This Tenganan village is located in Manggis district, Karangasem district, east of Bali island. The village of Tenganan is one of the oldest villages in Bali. This village still upholds custom and cultural values. The air in the village is very cool, it will definitely make you happy to linger in this place. Tenganan village is one of the Bali Aga villages, the original village of Bali tribe. This village is famous for its simplicity. Many tourists who love to visit this Tenganan Village. Upon entering this village, you will pass the counter as well as places to buy tickets. But these tickets are not for sale, it's just voluntary. 2. Trunyan Village Trunyan Village This village is a village that should not be missed if visiting Bali. Tr

Old Mask Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Mask dance is part of traditional Balinese dance drama. Mask dance in addition to staged for entertainment performances, there is also a type of mask Dance that became complementary in religious ceremonies. One of the mask dance that has a function in both cases is the old mask dance or so-called werda lumaku dance. The old mask dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Bali. This old mask dance features a dancer in a magnificent fashion and also wearing a wooden mask from ylang-ylang wood. The mask used in this dance looks like the face of an old man. During the performance, dancers will walk around the stage and dance in slow motion. Occasionally dancers will also sigh dashed and make movements such as sweeping sweat from his mask with a funny style. Choreography performed by dancers usually depicts an old man who is remembered for his youth. As a dance that has a sacred value, this old mask dance is usually staged in a piodalan memorial ritual. The commemoration is alw

Getting To Know The Types of Balinese Mask Character

Traditional performing arts have unique and special roles in Balinese culture. Arts such as theater and dance not only serve as entertainment only. Some of them become components and supplements of religious rituals or even positioned as a ritual event itself. This diversity makes Balinese art so rich with many variations. One of its forms can be seen in the diversity that exists in the craft Balinese mask. Balinese mask made of wood. The type of wood used in making this mask is kenanga and pule. In the process of making it, there are several stages of carving that must be till until it actually becomes a mask. In addition, the existence of a certain grip in the description of the character traits makes the mask craftsmen must have special skills. Mask became the main property in mask dance, which is the art of traditional Balinese dance. In this mask dance, each dancer's performances will come up with a special outfit and wear a mask. The mask worn by the dancers shows the charact

Sintren Dance, Mystical Dance From Cirebon

Sintren is a traditional dance originating from Cirebon, West Java. Dancers in this sintren art will dance to be possessed by the spirits. This sintren dancer will faint if exposed to the money thrown in the direction of the dancer's body. With gamelan accompaniment and beautiful clothing, the dancers are usually equipped with modern accessories, such as wearing glasses and ties, so that this sintren dance becomes very exotic and also mysterious. This art is very famous for the north coast of West Java and Central Java, such as Majalengka, Jatibarang, Berebes, Indramayu, Cirebon, Pemalang, Kuningan, Banyumas, and Pekalongan. Sintren art is famous as a dance with a mystical or magical fragrance that comes from a Sulasih love story with Sulandono. The history of sintren is actually there are several versions, one of which is in the past there was a pair of lovers R Sulandono with Sulasih, they did not get the blessing of both parents R sulandono who at that time was regent of Mataram

Huda Huda, Traditional Dances From North Sumatra

Huda Huda is a traditional dance originating from Simalungun Regency. This dance is performed only during the death ceremony for the elderly in Kab. Simalungun. The purpose of this dance is to entertain the family that has been abandoned and also as entertainment for the mourners. The development of this dance was originally used only by the royal family, but developed and used by the Simalungan community of various social classes. The origin of Huda Huda or this masked dance is when the only child of the royal family dies. An empress or mother of the child suffers sadness until the child is not willing to be buried. Day after day the feelings of the empress were unchanged and still gloomy. This news also reached the ears of the people in the kingdom. Society then thinks of a way to entertain the empress so as not to continue to sad. Nabon or a group of people who often talk at a meeting also created a variety of funny movements and cover his face with the beak of a hornbill and make a

Barong Dance, Traditional Dance From Bali

Barong Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from Bali. This dance is one of heritage dances from pre Hindu culture, besides Sangyang dance. The word barong itself comes from the word bahruang, which means bears, a mythological animal that has supernatural powers and is regarded as a protective animal. This dance uses a doll in the form of four-legged animals or early humans who have magical powers. But in reality in Bali, this barong doll is not only embodied in four-legged animals, but there are also two-legged. Barong mask making material is made of wood that comes from haunted places, such as in the cemetery, therefore Barong is a sacred and highly sanctified by Hindus in Bali. The performances of this dance are without play and always start with a show demonstration accompanied by different gamelan instruments, such as using Babarongan gamelan, Batel gamelan, and Gong Kebyar gamelan. The Development of Barong Dance At first, the Barong was only depicted on four legs,

Dance Ranup Lampuan, Traditional Dance From Aceh

Rupuh Lampuan is a traditional dance art originating from Aceh. This dance is a visualization of the life philosophy of the Acehnese people, which is to uphold the hospitality in welcoming the guests. The movement after movement in Rupuh Lampuan illustrates the procession of picking, wrapping, and also serving the betel to the respected guests, as in the custom of Aceh people who have the habit of serving the betel to their guests. Given the characteristics of the base, this dance is classified into several types of traditional dance or ceremony. History of Ranup Lampuan The word ranup or ranub in the language of Aceh does have the meaning of betel, while the word lampuan consists of two words, namely lam and puan, the word lam means in, while the word puan means a typical place of betel Aceh. This Ranup Lampuan dance was created by Yusrizal from Banda Aceh, which was more or less in 1962. Shortly after the popular Banda Aceh, this dance then developed in various other areas in Aceh. I