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Manasai Dance, Traditional Dance From Central Kalimantan

Manasai Dance is a welcome dance of guests who come to Central Kalimantan Province. This dance is commonly referred to as a welcome dance. This Manasai Dance symbolizes the joy of the community in welcoming the guests or the tourists who come. In this Manasai Dance performance is usually performed by male and female dancers, with intermittent lines in a circle. This dance is an interactive dance by inviting the audience to join the dance. Anyone can join the dance, from the young to the old can join in the dance circle. With the joining of the audience, the circle will get bigger. So that the audience who participated in dancing in this dance will drift in the dance festivities. The movement in Manasai Dance is actually very simple and also fun. The first begins with the dancers facing into the circle, then turning to the right while doing a forward motion counterclockwise. After that, the dancers face out the circle and then rotate again to the left while doing a forward movement coun