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Teaching and Learning Quotes - A Few of My Favorites Inspired by my PLN

Teacher and quotes go together like chips & dip or pancakes & syrup. At least that is the way I’ve always felt about quotes.  I have to admit that one of my vices is a love of quotes. We share and discuss quotes all of the time in class. (I really need to put all of these in one place.) I also spend more time than I should online in a variety of places including social media searching for new quotes to add to my list of favorite quotes .  Today I was inspired by a few recent tweets from my PLN to to share a few of my favorite quotes. (Thanks  @mrpiper76  and @dknonpelko for the inspiration.) While it is not going to be easy, I am going to just share 6 of the quotes today that I know I come back to the most often as I explore teaching and learning. I want to share many many many more, but I will resist today.  “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious … and curiosity ke