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Ketuk Tilu Dance, Traditional Dance From West Java

Ketuk Tilu Dance is one of the traditional dances originating from West Java. This dance is an entertainment dance or social dance. Ketuk Tilu Dance is often displayed at events such as weddings, event endings, and other events. Tap Tilu Dance is also a forerunner of the Jaipong Dance is very famous in West Java Province. Dance History Ketuk Tilu Historically, Tilu Tilu Dance was formerly a dance of traditional ceremony in welcoming rice harvest as an expression of gratitude to Dewi Sridewi, the goddess of rice in the belief of the Sundanese people. In ancient times, the ceremony was performed during the night, by parading a girl to a vast area accompanied by sounds. But with the development of the times, dance ketuk tilu is a social dance and entertainment for the community. Name ketuk tilu itself is taken from the musical instrument accompaniment which is called the bonang that issued 3 sounds are the rhythm of rebab, kendang indung and also kulanter. Dance Performance Ketuk Tilu Mov