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Panorama Nature in Sitinjau Lauik Padang

Natural attractions Sitinjau Lauik this is a tourist attraction in this Padang is very fitting if to look for tourist attractions that have had cool air, clean air and panoramic views of the city of Padang is very dazzling from the highlands. Not a few tourists who already know the tourist attractions in Padang, until if to Padang take a moment to visit this Sitandang Lauik. Sitinjau Lauik This is a very fitting tourist spot to see the panorama of the city of Padang from an altitude. Selian it can be seen a panorama of the city from a height, tourists can also clean the lungs from the city that is less clean. Sitihat Lauik is more or less has a height of 1000 meters above sea level. Until so commonplace if you can get the air is so very fresh here. Sitihat Lauik can also have a typical nickname, namely Padang Scenic Point because of this plateau tourists can easily see the view of the city of Padang with the backdrop of the sea of the Indian Ocean. In the morning until the daytime tour