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Saureka Reka Dance, Traditional Dance From Maluku

Saureka Reka Dance is a traditional dance of a kind of social dance originating from Maluku Province. This dance is usually performed by young people, where the men will play gaba-gaba and the women will dance and avoid the gaba-gaba. Gaba-gaba itself is a sago tree blade that is used as an attribute or property in dancing and at the same time be music accompaniment of this dance. Saureka Reka dance is one of the traditional arts and games of the Maluku is quite popular among the public and often displayed in various events and entertainment customs. History of Saureka Reka Dance It is said that Saureka Reka Dance has existed since ancient times in Maluku, especially in the area of Central Maluku. Saureka Reka dance was formerly often done by sago farmers at the time of the harvest season arrived. This dance is performed as an expression of the joy and gratitude of the community for their harvest. In the province of Maluku in addition to rich in the spices, there are also many sago pal