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Hegong Dance, Traditional Dances From Maumere NTT

Hegong Dance is a traditional dance from Maumere, Sikka, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). This dance is usually played in groups by male and female dancers in traditional dress and accompanied by Gong Waning music. Hegong Dance is a traditional dance that is quite famous and often displayed in various events such as traditional events, welcoming guests important, local art and various other events. The Origin of Hegong Dance Hegong Dance is a dance of the greatness of the Maumere community in Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT). The history of Hegong Dance is still not known for certain, but according to some sources say that this dance was originally a traditional dance and often displayed in traditional ceremonies Maumere community. In addition, this dance is used as a welcome dance of the important guests who are coming there. Hegong Dance Performance Hegong dance is generally played by approximately 6 to 10 dancers, whether male dancers or female dancers and one per