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Saman Dance, Traditional Dance From Aceh Indonesia

Saman Dance is a dance of Gayo tribe (Gayo Lues) commonly shown in celebrating important events in adat. Poetry in this saman dance uses Arabic and Gayo language. Besides this dance is also displayed to celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. From some literature mentioned that Saman dance in Aceh was founded and developed by Sheikh Saman, a scholar from Gayo in Southeast Aceh. This Saman Dance was designated UNESCO as the List of Cultural Representative No Human Heritage in the Sixth Session Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of cultural heritage is not a UNESCO object in the province of Bali on November 24, 2011. Saman dance is one of the media for the achievement of the message (da'wah). This dance reflects education, courtesy, religion, heroism, cohesiveness, and togetherness. Before this saman dance begins ie as a mukaddimah or opening, the appearance of a clever old or adat leader to represent the local community or useful advice to the cast and audience. Son